Template current code | Template old code | Template name |
S.01.01 | Content of the submission | |
S.01.02 | Basic information - General | |
S.01.03 | Basic information - RFF and matching adjustment portfolios | |
S.02.01 | BS-C1 | Balance Sheet |
S.02.02 | BS-C1D | Assets and liabilities by currency |
S.03.01 | BS-C1B | Off-balance sheet items -general |
S.03.02 | BS-C1B | Off-balance sheet items - List of unlimited guarantees received by the undertaking |
S.03.03 | BS-C1B | Off-balance sheet items - List of unlimited guarantees provided by the undertaking |
S.04.01 | Country-K1 | Activity by country |
S.04.02 | Country-K1 | Information on class 10 in Part A of Annex I of Solvency II Directive, excluding carrier's liability |
S.05.01 | Cover-A1A | Premiums, claims and expenses by line of business |
S.05.02 | Cover-A1A | Premiums, claims and expenses by country |
S.06.01 | Assets-D1Q | Summary of assets |
S.06.02 | Assets-D1 | List of assets |
S.06.03 | Assets-D3 | Collective investment undertakings - look-through approach |
S.07.01 | Assets-D1S | Structured products |
S.08.01 | Derivatives-D2O | Open derivatives |
S.08.02 | Derivatives-D2T | Derivatives Transactions |
S.09.01 | Profit and Loss | Income/gains and losses in the period |
S.10.01 | Assets-D5 | Securities lending and repos |
S.11.01 | Assets-D6 | Assets held as collateral |
S.12.01 | TP-F1 | Life and Health SLT Technical Provisions |
S.12.02 | TP-F1 | Life and Health SLT Technical Provisions - By country |
S.12.03 | Best estimate by currency and country - Life | |
S.13.01 | TP-F2 | Projection of future gross cash flows |
S.14.01 | TP-F3 | Life obligations analysis |
S.15.01 | TP-F3A | Description of the guarantees of variable annuities |
S.15.02 | TP-F3B | Hedging of guarantees of variable annuities |
S.16.01 | TP-F4 | Information on annuities stemming from Non-Life Insurance obligations |
S.17.01 | TP-E1 | Non-Life Technical Provisions |
S.17.02 | TP-E1 | Non-Life Technical Provisions - By country |
S.17.03 | Best estimate by currency and country - Non Life | |
S.18.01 | TP-E2 | Projection of future cash flows |
S.19.01 | TP-E3 | Non-life insurance claims |
S.20.01 | TP-E4 | Development of the distribution of the claims incurred |
S.21.01 | TP-E6 | Loss distribution risk profile |
S.21.02 | TP-E7A | Non-life underwriting peak risks |
S.21.03 | TP-E7B | Non-life underwriting mass risks |
S.22.01 | Impact of long term guarantees and transitional measures | |
S.22.02 | Projection of future cash flows (Best Estimate - Matching portfolios) | |
S.22.03 | Information on the matching adjustment calculation | |
S.22.04 | Information on the transitional on interest rates calculation | |
S.22.05 | Overall calculation of the transitional on technical provisions | |
S.23.01 | OF-B1 | Own Funds |
S.23.02 | OF-B1 | Detailed information by tiers on own funds |
S.23.03 | OF-B1 | Annual movements on own funds |
S.23.04 | OF-B1 | List of items on own funds |
S.24.01 | Participations | Participations held |
S.25.01 | SCR-B2A | Solvency Capital Requirement - Only SF |
S.25.02 | SCR-B2B | Solvency Capital Requirement - SF and PIM |
S.25.03 | SCR-B2C | Solvency Capital Requirement - IM |
S.26.01 | SCR-B3A | Solvency Capital Requirement - Market risk |
S.26.02 | SCR-B3B | Solvency Capital Requirement - Counterparty default risk |
S.26.03 | SCR-B3C | Solvency Capital Requirement - Life underwriting risk |
S.26.04 | SCR-B3D | Solvency Capital Requirement - Health underwriting risk |
S.26.05 | SCR-B3E | Solvency Capital Requirement - Non-Life underwriting risk |
S.26.06 | SCR-B3G | Solvency Capital Requirement - Operational risk |
S.26.07 | Solvency Capital Requirement - Simplifications | |
S.27.01 | SCR-B3F | Solvency Capital Requirement - Non-Life Catastrophe risk |
S.28.01 | MCR-B4A | Minimum Capital Requirement - Non-Composite |
S.28.02 | MCR-B4B | Minimum Capital Requirement - Composite |
S.29.01 | VA-C2A | Excess of Assets over Liabilities |
S.29.02 | VA-C2B | Excess of Assets over Liabilities - explained by investments and financial liabilities |
S.29.03 | VA-C2C | Excess of Assets over Liabilities - explained by technical provisions |
S.29.04 | VA-C2C | Detailed analysis per period - Technical flows versus Technical provisions |
S.30.01 | Re-J1 - Basic | Facultative covers for non-life and life business basic data |
S.30.02 | Re-J1 - Shares | Facultative covers for non-life and life business shares data |
S.30.03 | Re-J2 - Basic | Outgoing Reinsurance Program basic data |
S.30.04 | Re-J2 - Shares | Outgoing Reinsurance Program shares data |
S.31.01 | Re-J3 | Share of reinsurers |
S.31.02 | Re-SPV | Special Purpose Vehicles |
S.32.01 | G01 | Undertakings in the scope of the group |
S.33.01 | G03 | (Re)insurance individual requirements |
S.34.01 | G04 | Non-(re)insurance individual requirements |
S.35.01 | G14 | Contribution to group TP |
S.36.01 | IGT1 | IGT - Equity-type transactions, debt and asset transfer |
S.36.02 | IGT2 | IGT - Derivatives |
S.36.03 | IGT3 | IGT - Internal reinsurance |
S.36.04 | IGT4 | IGT - Cost Sharing, contingent liabilities, off BS and other items |
S.37.01 | RC | Risk concentration |
Source - Navigating through the Solvency II reporting and disclosure package (19th Dec 2014)